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Safety & Compliance Aerospace
What can we do for you!
Since 2011, ADSE is approved by the European Union Aviation Safety Authority (EASA) as a Design Organisation, registered under EASA.21J.481. This approval gives ADSE the privilege to independently assess and approve modifications to aircraft and rotorcraft.
As an independent engineering consultant firm, the scope of our Design Organisation is quite extensive. Although ADSE does not design and produce aircraft, our Design Organisation is capable of doing so!
Type of activities . As an independent Design Organisation we design, certify and approve minor changes, major changes, STCs, and repair designs within the scope of our approval. Leave your cabin reconfiguration, Emergency Equipment Layout, avionics installation, or Aircraft's PED Tolerance in ADSEs capable hands. We create the approved design you want, and provide you with the Service Bulletin needed.
Type of Customers. We work directly under our own approval for airline operators, maintenance repair organization and (VIP) completion centers to provide the approved modification needed. In addition we work with our partner Design Organisations as subcontractor using a DO-DO arrangement.
Our scope of services
The following DOA related services enable our customers to create new business, comply to regulations, reduce costs, increase capacity, expand their scope, or become independent:
Request for EASA approval of a modification or repair
To request a DOA related service, please contact our or fill in the form below with your request. We will always be in touch.
We are available!
We. Love. Transport.
Planeetbaan 4
2132 HZ Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Postal address
Planeetbaan 4
2132 HZ Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Functie: | easa 2 |
Startdatum: | 04-06-2024 |
Ervaring: | Ervaren |
Educatielevel: | WO |
Contracttype: | Vast |
Salaris: | onbekend – onbekend |
Uren per week: | 1 – 40 |
Heb je interesse in deze vacature en wil je graag op deze functie solliciteren? Neem dan contact op met ADSE via onbekend of onbekend. Of bezoek hun website onbekend.
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